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A favorite quote: "Be who you are and say how you feel. Those that mind DON'T matter and those that MATTER don't mind...." Theodore Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss)

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

America: What does this country mean to you?

Is America the "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" anymore?  I wonder sometimes. 

Growing up I did not really appreciate what freedom meant.  Sure, I could go to the local store and get some milk and bread and never thought twice about it and being the adolescent that I was became upset when the local store was out of my favorite ice cream flavor.  I was oblivious to others exisiting outside of my beloved country who sometimes go for days or weeks without food or clean water for their families.  Oblivious to the fact that people outside my country's borders live in fear of bullets whizzing past their heads or dying in an explosion while walking to school.  Oblivious to the fact that women in other countries have no rights, no say in their future, and worst of all....no hope for anything better.

All that is great in my country seems to be slipping away.  How did this happen?  Why did this happen?  More importantly, can we stop it from becoming a permanent reality?  The answer is a resounding YES....but it will take more than talk.  Those that have the power to enact a change need to step up and do what needs to be done.  If that means going against the popular current then so be it.  Doing what is right, let alone necessary, is never easy.  If doing the right thing was easy then all people would be doing "the right thing" and we would a lot less strife here on Planet Earth.  However, we live in an imperfect world surrounded by imperfect people, myself included in the imperfect population. 

It is understandable why some people loathe Americans as they are looking from the outside in.  They see a country rich with opportunity, ripe with possibilities, but stagnant in morals and we take for granted that which we have been blessed with.  Have any of you tried living in another country where your every move is dictated for you?  The radio you listen to is government controlled?  The televisions shows you watch are limited by what the government says is appropriate?  It is important to understand how lucky we are.  It is important to understand why we need to stand up and fight against what is appearing to be more and more a move towards socialism and dictatorship.  America is a SuperPower and as such we have a responsibility to uphold.  Great power does not come without great responsibility.....those that gave their life for this country and continue to give lives understand that fact.  It is up to us who remain behind, graced by their sacrifice, to uphold what they have fought so valiantly for:  Freedom.  What was the point of the Revolution if we allow ourselves to be led like lambs to the slaughter.

You may think your voice will not count....that is not true.  You have more power than you realize.  The point is to say something when unjustice happens.  Do not be silent.  While you may think your voice or opinion may not be big enough to carry the weight necessary to make a change, someone else who may be listening may have to power to turn your thoughts into action.  However, that will never happen unless you speak up.  Do not be afraid to speak your mind....there is NEVER a wrong time to do what you know to be right in your heart.

just this person's two cents....that and $3.50 will get you a latte, so take it for what it's worth.

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